What are your top 3 career choices?

Software developers design and write software that runs on devices such as computers and phones. Some developers create applications for specific tasks.

What are your top 3 career choices?

Software developers design and write software that runs on devices such as computers and phones. Some developers create applications for specific tasks. Others work on the operating systems that devices and networks use. Software developers determine what users need and design and test software to meet those needs.

They also update older programs and maintain and document the software to ensure that it will continue to work properly in the future. Medical and health service managers oversee all of these activities. This allows healthcare providers to have more time for their patients. Search for medical and health services manager jobs at ZipRecruiter.

Management analysts, also known as management consultants, help companies find ways to operate more efficiently. They walk into a company and observe its procedures, interview staff and analyze financial data. A problem with just one link in the supply chain can ruin everything. For example, cars became scarce during the COVID-19 pandemic due to a shortage of computer chips used in their systems.

So if all these jobs seem boring to you, keep looking. It's true that following your passion may not be the smartest career move. But it makes even less sense to spend two or more years training for a job that will bore you for the next 40 years.

Jayne Baldyga
Jayne Baldyga

Avid zombie lover. Freelance twitter specialist. Subtly charming food nerd. Proud web advocate. Devoted zombie fan.

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